The 8-Week Awakening Webinar

We’ve all been brought up to see life from our thinking mind, and because we operate from there most of the time, whatever's been programmed in there is what we manifest as life for ourselves.

The problem however, is that a lot of the stuff that goes on up there, that you’ve been taught is what life is for you, is not in alignment with what has real heart for you.

The process of awakening, amongst other things, is to discover your own heart and find out what is truly authentic for you, because when you do that, you start to move into a more natural abundant way of being.

Abundance is absolutely related to you knowing yourself well enough at the heart level, to then be able to manifest a life that reflects back to you, the joy you are experiencing because of that knowledge. 

Abundance is not about having lots of anything, but rather knowing at the deep cellular level, that everything is always abundantly available to you and then of course knowing how to bring that into reality for yourself.

At the core of all the blockages you experience in life, is a lack of self-love, and in this 8 week awakening webinar, I’ll be guiding you to discover the areas that need more love so you can heal them easily. 

Because the inside always determines the outer reality you get to experience, once you heal on the inside, your outer reality has no other choice than to change for the better, but it’s always an inside job first.

Each person awakens at their own pace of course, simply because we all have different life paths and challenges, but there are some core fundamentals that can be healed in us all; that will dramatically change reality for us.

This 8-week awakening webinar is limited to just 12 people, so that each person will be given plenty of opportunities to express and share.

Also over the 8 weeks, as each of the participants get to know each other, healings will occur via the groups unique energy.

I do have a floating agenda, but I will also allow the group to lead the way so the best possible healing occurs.

The likely topics that will be covered however are:

  • Self-Love
  • Meditation
  • Shadow
  • Healing emotional pain 
  • Projection 
  • Core Beliefs 
  • Sleeping Dreams 
  • Responsibility 
  • How to manifest 
  • Visualisation
  • Forgiveness
  • Relationship issues
  • Discovering your passions.

My intention with this 8-week webinar is to awaken you in such a way that you'll embrace your spiritual warrior within, and therefore have enough tools to continue your journey toward enlightened consciousness and abundance.

Each of the sessions are recorded and will be available for your personal download, plus there will be a number of guided meditations that I will create as we go through the process to enhance the awakening and healing.

Each participant will also receive a personal one-hour coaching call with me, to be taken within the 8 week process, which is currently valued at UK£166.

The webinar is limited to just 12 participants and will be on a first come, first serve basis.

All those that sign up will be sent a questionnaire that must be filled in and sent back before the first session.

The cost of the webinar is UK£197 

Preferred email address:

The next Awakening Webinar starts:

The first of the 8 sessions will start on Saturday 30th June at 13:00 GMT (UK Time) Click here to calculate the time in your area.

The full schedule is as follows:

  • Sat 30th June - 13:00 GMT (UK Time)
  • Sat 7th July - 13:00 GMT (UK Time)
  • Sat 14th July - 13:00 GMT (UK Time)
  • Sat 21st July - 13:00 GMT (UK Time)
  • Sat 28th July - 13:00 GMT (UK Time)
  • Sat 4th August - 13:00 GMT (UK Time)
  • 2 week break then:
  • Sat 25th August - 13:00 GMT (UK Time)
  • Sat 1st Sept - 13:00 GMT (UK Time)

Once you've signed up

Once you've payed, you'll receive a questionnaire that you must fill out and return to me before the first webinar, plus you'll receive the link to join the webinar.

I very much look forward to working with you soon!

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