Inner Work 1
is a gentle dive into your inner world.
If you were to contemplate what life is for you, you’d eventually discover that life is simply what you experience it to be, therefore from your point of view, you are whatever you think life is - it’s all going on within you.
So if you are whatever you think life is, it stands to reason that finding out more about what you are, how you tick, what things really mean and how you can make you better; would totally affect what life is for you.
To make life great for yourself it’s imperative that you find out more about yourself.
If you're like most people, You’ll have defined yourself by what you’ve been taught you are based on your upbringing in your respective tribe, but this is essentially a mental conditioning.
In my case for example, I’ve been taught exactly what it means to be English and how to be accepted as an English person in the tribe called ‘English.’
Using my personality type and experience, I quickly learn what to do and what not to do to be accepted by the English tribe, and this serves me well as I journey through life especially as a young man.
The problem of course, as you mature, is that lots of what you learn to make sure you fit in, is not in alignment with your inner truth, your hearts calling, and because of that disharmonious energy within you, certain things in life just don’t work for you.
It’s a good job too, because that inner disharmony that shows up as issues and challenges in your life, is the exact component necessary for you to do the work to find your truth, because without it you just wouldn’t look.
To find any sort of peace, flow, abundance and sustained joy in life, inner work is the prerequisite.
In this retreat, we’ll be diving in, in a gentle unforced manner to discover what your inner world is and how it is guiding you.
One of the first things that has to be established, is to quieten the mind, which is why I hold this retreat in a place like the Sibsan Resort and spa, which is nestled in raw nature and offers you an incredible opportunity to be able to drop the madness of the mind quite quickly.
Your unconscious is constantly guiding you, but you've got to know how to meet her, and then how to understand her language.
There will be healings and deep relaxations, dream work, tarot, and a intimate loving connection with your inner world.
We’ll also be working with the divine feminine, as she is desperately missing in most people’s reality in modern day life.
The majority of us are born with just our 5 senses, but in truth we have many more, and as you develop a true relationship with your inner world, those other senses will be introduced to you.
When you’re quiet enough at the mental level, your guidance is so loud that you just can’t escape hearing the truth.
If you’re looking to find more peace, balance, healing, clarity, joy and/or inner guidance, then this is the retreat for you.
Your host Mark
Mark has been running seminars and retreats for over 20 years and has vast experience in the areas of personal and spiritual expansion.
Being the clear channel he now is, deep and profound healings take place at these retreats due to his guidance within the group dynamic.
Mark creates an environment that is both safe and conducive for transformational healing to occur for all the participants involved.
Sat amongst unadulterated raw nature, the Sibsan Resort and Spa perfectly sets the foundation for the magic to occur.
Before each retreat, Mark connects to the divine forces he associates with and sets powerful intentions to lead the way. The results can never be foretold, but profound transformational healing, magic and heightened awareness always ensue!
"Being in a retreat of this nature is extremely powerful and will create permanent and positive change in your life. Every time you heal, you become more open, and the more open you become the more you will experience an awakening of some sort within yourself, and when that happens life simply gets better." Mark A Karlsson
If this resonates with you then come and join me in my next inner work 1 retreat - details below.
Date: The next inner work 1 retreat starts at 15:30 on 25th October 2018 and finishes at noon on the 29th October 2018
Venue: Sibsan Resort and Spa
Single Room Accommodation
The cost of the retreat for single room accommodation is 54,000 Thai Baht (Currency Converter)
This cost includes 4 nights, single room, full board accommodation in the Sibsan Resort and Spa plus coffee breaks, breakfast, lunch and dinner and the retreat fee, plus transportation to and from Chiang Mai international airport. The resort is 66Km outside of Chiang Mai and the ride will take about an hour. Please send your arrival times so I can arrange a taxi to take you to the resort.
Staying longer either before or after the retreat.
If you'd like to take advantage of this beautiful resort then I highly recommend staying some time before or after the retreat; especially if you are flying in and will have to deal with Jet Lag. Contact me to book at the reduced rate.
Payment to be made by bank transfer to the following account:
Bank Name: Siam Commercial Bank
Name on account: Mark Andrew Karlsson
Account number: 2162089196
Address: No 2, Ploenchit centre building, Sukhumvit Soi 2, Klongtoey, Bangkok 10110 Thailand
Once you've made payment please send proof of payment here, Thank you!
Please transfer the money in Thai Baht and Please select "Pay both local and international bank charges so that the correct amount is received - thank you!
If you'd like to pay by credit card, there is a 5% extra charge. Please contact me here if you'd like to take that option
Extra Info
Chiangmai has an international airport and many airlines fly directly to it, but you'll have to check from your respective country. There are many flights daily from Bangkok to Chiang Mai if you can't find a direct flight .
Please make sure you're checked in the resort before 2pm on the 25th October so you're ready and settled to start the retreat promptly at 15:30.
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