The easiest and yet most powerful healing

system to transform your entire reality.

Everything gets better!

MTHS - The Awakening Healing System is a system of healing that uses the power of universal love and infinite intelligence to bring the body to wholeness on a physical, emotional and mental level. The whole system consists of five levels and was channelled (accessed from a higher reality) into existence by Mark A. Karlsson

This healing system is very easy to learn and use and is often described as one of the most transformational healing modalities. It is available for all to learn and use and no previous knowledge of healing is required.

The whole system is currently accessible through 5 levels of training: Initiate, Trinity, Master, Alchemy and Manifestation.

Initiate Level - 2-Days

In this introductory level, you receive 3 powerful attunements, and once attuned to these energies, you will have access to them for the rest of your life. The Initiate level workshop covers the basics of healing, the chakra system, the 3 attunements, hands-on healing and how and what to do next once the 2-day training is complete.

Trinity Level - 2-Days

Once you've integrated the 63-day personal healing that completes the Initiate level, you are ready for the more advanced and more powerful Trinity level. (A person can take the Trinity level workshop before completion of the Initiate level 63-day personal healing, but the Trinity level energies must not be used before that is complete.) In this 2-Day workshop, you'll be attuned to the higher vibrational Trinity level energy. An important point to recognise is that receiving any attunement, whether it's Initiate, Trinity or Master, is a very powerful healing in itself. The more attunements you give and receive, as well as daily use of the energies, the higher your self-awareness becomes, and the higher your inner vibrational frequency, which will always bring more abundance to your life experience. Once you've completed this level, you'll be able to give attunements and teach the Initiate and Trinity level workshops.

Master Level - 2-Days

When you reach the Master level you'll be working toward a deeper heart healing experience, as well as integrating the master level energy with the previous 4 energies from the initiate and Trinity Levels. The master level energy, as well as initiating a more expanded level of self-awareness, opens a new portal to a higher realm of wisdom and will be an opening to your intuitive powers. As an MTHS master, you'll be qualified to teach the Initiate, Trinity and Master levels, and most importantly, your own personal and spiritual development will soar. Once again, it's important to reiterate that attending all levels and receiving the respective attunements does initiate powerful healings, but the real power of this system to create permanent and powerful transformations, is in the daily application, and as with the Initiate and Trinity levels, there is a daily process to follow after this class of 119-days. 

Alchemy Level - 2-Days

The Alchemy level brings your entire system into balance as well as bringing you much more awareness around how and what you manifest in your life. There is a noticeable amount of physical, mental and emotional healing that takes place during but especially after taking this class. With the 8 powerful healing attunements in this module as well as the one new healing vibrational energy, coupled with the 35 weeks of training following the workshop, a massive healing transformation occurs. Many of your big sabotaging patterns heal and transform at this level of training. A much deeper understanding of yourself and your heart's calling opens during the Alchemy process, and the deeper and more conscious your understanding of yourself, the easier it is for you to manifest your innate abundance. With this higher vibrational energy flowing through you and the consequential personal healing that happens, your ability to heal others is greatly advanced also. The three levels before Alchemy prime our system perfectly so that we are then ready for the massive change that occurs at Alchemy level. 

Manifestation Level - 2-Days

At this level, you'll be well accustomed to running energy through your system. Your energy processing system is now broader than ever before and you're able to channel high vibrational information at will. Your understanding of how life and your heart are communicating with you is way higher and therefore your ability to listen to your heart and then manifest it's calling is way more transparent to you. Your manifestation skills will truly jump to a whole new level as you work through this level and your understanding of the patterns that are working with you deepen tremendously, which gives you even more power over what and how you manifest reality for yourself.

Order certificates here

Each certificate is numbered and associated with who ever purchases them effective January 2018.

The certificates cost US$80 plus postage and packaging for a batch of 10. You can buy any amount of each level as long as a minimum order of 10 certificates are purchased.

Qualified and Certified Master Level practitioners


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