This years Live Webinars

with MTHS-TAHS founder

Mark Karlsson

The Merlin Cleanser

26th Feb 2022 - 11:00 - 12:30 UK time

Please note: if you’d like to purchase the recorded version and then receive a private attunement please send an email to us here

I'm very happy to announce our next live webinar for our brand new energy that will be part of the MTHS-TAHS's entourage of healing vibrations. 

I have never intentionally tried to create the higher levels from the Master level up, they came to me as I was doing regular healings on myself and both the Alchemy and Manifestation level were an organic manifestation without any desire initially to create them and that will be the only way I will ever create future higher levels. 

This new energy came in exactly the same organic way during a healing session I was doing on myself. I have now been working with it for a couple of months and I like it very much as it seems to give me immediate results which I'm truly excited about. 

Because of the nature of what it does, I feel confident that all MTHS practitioners regardless of level attained, as well as people not yet initiated into MTHS can be attuned to this new energy - The Merlin Cleanser (The MC)

I'm leaving it as a stand-alone energy that can be used as a taster for people not yet familiar with MTHS-TAHS to experience but also for everyone to use regularly to clean their inner and outer world space, which will bring more clarity, balance and a sense of freedom.

If you've been following me on YouTube or IG or coming to my regular talks and meditations, you'll know that I talk regularly on the fact that you are the only thing that is ever going on from your point of view, of course. 

Everything that comes into your field of vision is being experienced by you internally. 

Everything does exist outside of us, of course, but our experience is always an internal experience, and everything we experience carries a particular vibration of energy and, as with all energies, does affect us in some way. 

The MC clears these energies within your own field and it also clears the field of the people or things that you experience within your own reality leaving you feeling clear and more expansive. 

It can be used to regularly clean your own auric field around your own body as well as clean negativity in your thinking, and I find it works instantaneously in almost all cases. 

When used correctly it brings conflicts within relationship dynamics that you're having with other people, into balance very quickly.

I am offering a small 90-minute webinar that will include the specifics of how to use The Merlin Cleanser as well as the necessary attunement and symbol. 

The class is open to everyone regardless of whether they are initiated into MTHS-TAHS or not and is certified.

Date: 26th Feb 2022

Time: 11:00-12:30 UK time

Cost: £30 

Pay here

If someone else is paying on your behalf, it is imperative that you send me the email you want the zoom details to be emailed to and please let me know who payed for you so I can register you. Email me here 

The MTHS-TAHS Initiate Level is now only available as a recorded version with a private attunement with Mark.
The attunements will be arranged once the first day of the recording has been viewed. 
Once payment is made, Mark will contact you directly

Cost: £75

Pay here

MTHS-TAHS Trinity level (2nd Level) via Zoom with founder Mark Karlsson 
12th and 13th Feb 2022
06:00-13:00 UK time

The Trinity level is the 2nd level in the Merlin Trinity Healing System and as well as massively expanding your own personal energy processing system to allow a much higher vibration, in this level you will also learn how to attune other people into both the initiate and trinity levels. Attunements are a fast and very powerful way of healing yourself and others therefore you don't have to want to be a teacher to tremendously benefit from this level.

You must be certified in the MTHS Initiate level before taking this level. You can, however, take this level if you have not yet finished your initiate level 63-day training but I highly recommend only doing that if you're at least half-way through your training.

Please note: If you do take the Trinity level class before finishing your 63-day initiate level training, you cannot use this new energy until you finish the initiate level training.

Full details of the next class below:

Date: 12th and 13th Feb 2022

Time: 06:00-13:00 UK time

Cost: £125

Pay here

Please note, you can use this link to purchase the recorded webinar also to enable you to take the course at your leisure.

If you've already taken Trinity Level and would like to repeat, the charge is £70

Please contact me directly here and provide proof of class by stating your teacher and your certificate number if you didn't learn with me. I will then send you a link for payment.

If someone else is paying on your behalf, it is imperative that you send me the email you want the zoom details to be emailed to and please let me know who payed for you so I can register you. Email me here 

MTHS-TAHS Master level (3rd Level) via Zoom with founder Mark Karlsson 
23rd & 24th April 2022
06:00 - 13:00 UK time

After completeing the 63-day healing process that comes after the Trinity level, you are now ready to be initiated into the MTHS Master level.

When the Master level was first introduced, it was thought to be the final level of the whole system and was initially taught in a retreat setting. Now, however, having 5 levels with a 6th in the making, it seems that the title of Master level is not so appropriate but it by no means takes away the power of this level.

I think if it had to be renamed it would be called the Heart Initiation level, as the energy asscociated with this level is centred around opening, balancing and expanding the heart chakra and consequently attracting more love into our lives.

You must be certified in the MTHS Initiate and Trinity level before taking this level. You can, however, take this level if you have not yet finished your trinity level 63-day training but I highly recommend only doing that if you're at least half-way through your training.

Please note: If you do take the Master level class before finishing your 63-day trinity level training, you cannot use this new energy until you finish the trinity level training.

Full details of the next class below:

Date23rd & 24th April 2022

Time: 06:00 13:00

Cost: £175

Pay Here

Please note, you can use this link to purchase the recorded webinar also to enable you to take the course at your leisure.

If you've already taken Master Level and would like to repeat, the charge is UK£90. Please contact me directly here and provide proof of class by stating your teacher and your certificate number if you didn't learn with me. I will then send you a link for payment.

If someone else is paying on your behalf, it is imperative that you send me the email you want the zoom details to be emailed to and please let me know who payed for you so I can register you. Email me here 

MTHS-TAHS Alchemy level (4th Level) via Zoom with founder Mark Karlsson 
27th & 28th Aug 2022
06:00 - 13:00 UK time

The Alchemy level brings your entire system into balance as well as bringing you much more awareness of how and what you manifest in your life.

There is a noticeable amount of physical, mental and emotional healing that takes place during but especially after taking this class.

With the 8 powerful healing attunements in this module as well as the one new healing vibrational energy, coupled with the 35 weeks of training following the workshop, a massive healing transformation occurs.

Many of your big sabotaging patterns heal and transform at this level of training.

A much deeper understanding of yourself and your heart's calling opens during the Alchemy process, and the deeper and more conscious your understanding of yourself, the easier it is for you to manifest your innate abundance.

With this higher vibrational energy flowing through you and the consequential personal healing that happens, your ability to heal others is greatly advanced also.

The 3 levels before Alchemy prime our system perfectly so that we are then ready for the massive change that occurs at Alchemy level. 

You must be certified in the MTHS Initiate, Trinity and Master levels before taking Alchemy. You can, however, take this level if you have not yet finished your Master level 119-day training but I highly recommend only doing that if you're at least half-way through your training.

Please note: If you do take the Alchemy level class before finishing your 119-day master level training, you cannot use this new energy until you finish the master level training.

Full details of the next class below:

Date27th & 28th August 2022

Time: 06:00 - 13:00

Cost: £225

Pay Here

If you've already taken Alchemy Level and would like to repeat, the charge is £120. Please contact me directly here and provide proof of class by stating your teacher and your certificate number if you didn't learn with me. I will then send you a link for payment.

If someone else is paying on your behalf, it is imperative that you send me the email you want the zoom details to be emailed to and please let me know who payed for you so I can register you. Email me here 

MTHS-TAHS Manifestation level (5th Level) via Zoom with founder Mark Karlsson 
22nd and 23rd Jan 2022

At this level, you'll be well accustomed to running energy through your system.

Your energy processing system is now broader than ever before and you're able to channel high vibrational information at will.

Your understanding of how life and your heart are communicating with you is way higher and therefore your ability to listen to your heart and then manifest it's calling is more transparent to you.

Your manifestation skills will truly jump to a whole new level as you work through this level and your understanding of the patterns that are working with you deepen tremendously, which gives you even more power over what and how you manifest reality for yourself.

You must be certified in the MTHS Initiate, Trinity, Master and Alchemy levels before taking Manifestation. You can, however, take this level if you have not yet finished your Alchemy level 35-week training but only if you're atleast at week 20 or above.

Please note: If you do take the Manifestation level class before finishing your 35-week Alchemy level training, you cannot use this new energy until you finish the Alchemly level training.

Full details of the next class below:

Date: 22nd 23rd Jan 2022

Time: 07:00 - 14:00 (UK Time) each day with time for breaks and for lunch


Pay here

If someone else is paying on your behalf, it is imperative that you send me the email you want the zoom details to be emailed to and please let me know who payed for you so I can register you. Email me here 

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